Computer Science Information Security and Event Security Plan Project
A Information Security and Event Security
Activity 6: Event Security
Upon completion of the Required Readings, consider the following scenario: Traxler Industries asks you to prepare security for an upcoming event hosted at its Chicago, Illinois, headquarters. Salman Rushdie, the author of Satanic Verses, has been selected as the keynote speaker for the event. This will be his first public event since the publication of his book, decried by many Muslims as heretical. Mr. Rushdie has been in hiding for the last decade due to the many death threats he has received. All corporate management and their families from all of Traxler’s locations in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, and Anchorage, Alaska, have been invited to the event, about 1,000 people. Mr. Rushdie intends to speak about religious tolerance and the need for “East to meet West.”
Prepare a security plan that will meet the needs of this event. In the plan, include steps to address the following:
(a) location/facility,
(b) security operations,
(c) physical security,
(d) information security,
(e) staff and executive protection, and
(f) contingency anticipation.