Business Finance Homework Help

Arizona State University Sales and Marketing Prompt Discussion


I’m studying and need help with a Marketing question to help me learn.

44% of people give up after just 1 “no,” or after 1 objection.

As a former sales representative (and now a sales coach and professor), I like it that so many give up so easily, because I am now convinced more than ever that it is persistence that could pay off here (whereas many others give up).

So… will YOU potentially change your approach or perspective when – for example – applying for a job (sent a resume, but nobody calls you back; or, you sent a resume over AND left the company a voicemail; but a week later nobody has contacted you back. Will you give up? – what will you now do?). *The resume and call is JUST an example of an objection. I would like to know how your perspective has changed in ANY selling situation: it could be applying for a job (you are selling yourself to a company). It could be as an actual sales professional (some of you are waiters, work retail, etc. You may use THOSE experiences); It can be ANY situation that you believe objections occur (with respect to you selling something, selling yourself, etc.).

Main question: How has your perspective changed knowing 44% give up after 1 no, 22% after 3, 12% more after 3….etc.