Health Medical Homework Help

NCAT Implementation Standard of Practice for Nursing Informatics Paper


Please upload your ANA NI paper here. You may pick any standard – practice or professional – from inside the front and back covers. Most students use one of their journal entries to write as paper since you’ve already done the work.

It should be 4-6 pages, excluding Cover sheet and References.  It is APA style.  You can’t use contractions or personal pronouns in a formal paper.  (UpSwing will assist with citations, they will review your draft and provide feedback if you wish.)

Pay attention to your SafeAssign score for plagiarism – look at the results and try and correct. Any score 15-40% is considered needing review by faculty for plagiarism.  If you can’t improve score, just tell me you did correction and score is ___%. 

This is the student site for any questions or help.