CC Low Emission And Electric Vehicles On Auto Industry Discussion
General Instructions: You must work out your own answers to the assignments. If you have difficultieswith a question, you may consult others students and instructor for clues but not the full answers. It isimportant for you to recognize the nature of the difficulty so that it can be remedied before it’s too late.
Instructions for this assignment: Please complete BOTH parts of this assignment, put your answersinto the same file (i.e. word or pdf document) and upload the file to Canvas before the lecture starts on thedue date.
Students should meet in groups to choose one of the three to four topics brought together by individualgroup members and narrow it down to a specific research question. Each student should then gather somepublished articles about the specific question.
Topic Question Suggestions
- Does social media help the way we interact with people?
- Does higher minimum wage impact employment rates?
(ind var: minimum wage, dep var: employment rate)