Grossmont College Physical Anthropology Article Discussion
Need help with my Anthropology question – I’m studying for my class.
The main thing that physical anthropologists looked at before the era of genomics was physical features. The study of physical anthropology was essentially a field of comparative anatomy. With the era of genomics our field has changed significantly. For example, based on anatomical features alone, chimps and orangutans should be in a related branch while humans should be on a separate evolutionary branch. With comparative genomics our views have changed because now chimps and humans are in a common branch while orangutans are in their own separate branch.
The idea for this week’s discussion board is for you folks to find something that made the news that highlights the importance of genetics current anthropological research.
What you have to do
Share with the class the following items for points:
Submission word length – Between 40 and 100 words.
- Give a short summary of a news headline that demonstrates the importance of genetics to the study of humans.
Some examples you can use (Google Anthropology DNA ):
- A Genetic Ghost Hunt: What Ancient Humans Live On In Our DNA? (Links to an external site.)
- Ghost DNA Hints at Africa’s Missing Ancient Humans. (Links to an external site.)
- Oldest ever human genetic evidence clarifies dispute over our ancestors. (Links to an external site.)
- Briefly explain why you thought your news article is important to anthropology.