UNT Dynamic Systems Theory Discussion
- Choose 1 (and only 1) question to answer.Please include the question above your answer.
- Answers should be in complete sentences, typed, double-spaces, and free of typos and misspellings.
- While you SHOULD use the materials listed in the assessment contract, answers should only be written in your own words and demonstrate an understanding of the materials.There should be NO DIRECT QUOTES, but summaries and paraphrasing of the material is always OK!
- Up to 5 points off for quotes, or no credit for that portion of your answer.
- In-text citations should be used for materials you have used.5 points off per essay without in-text citations
- Each resource on eLearning that you may use lists the in-text citation to use
- Please see “In-text citation tutorial” on eLearning
- Answers will undergo a plagiarism check via TurnItIn.Please check your originality report prior to the deadline to make sure you haven’t made a plagiarism mistake.
- I must have a signed copt of the assessment contract to grade essays
- “Discuss” is defined by Merriam-Webster as “to present in detail,”please remember that in answering the essay questions.
- Each question is worth 20 points.Most students lose points for not answering all parts of the question.
Ch. 6
#1 Define (2 points) and discuss (4 points) Dynamic Systems Theory (DTS). Discuss how does DTS explain the changes necessary for infants to develop motor skills (6 points).Discuss two examples provided in the course materials (text, lectures, eLearning) that support DTS (8 points – 4 points each.)
#2 Choose 2 examples from the course (text, lectures, eLearning) that suggest that experiences plays a crucial role in motor and/or perceptual development and discuss each (8 points – 4 points each.) Choose 2 examples from the course (text, lectures, eLearning) that suggest motor and/or perceptual development is primarily under the control of genes and discuss each (8 points – 4 points each.) Discuss how can these findings be reconciled (4 points.)
#3 Define (2 points) and discuss (4 points) Intersensory Redundancy Hypothesis (IRH). Discuss how does IRH explain the how infants learn about amodal and modality-specific stimuli (6 points).Discuss two examples provided in the course materials (text, lectures, eLearning) that support IRH (8 points – 4 points each.)