Simulation of Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Discussion
Given that AI is a powerful technology, we have a moral obligation to use it well, to promote the positive aspects and avoid or mitigate the negative ones.
Write a term paper explaining ( with real life examples whenever possible) the benefits of AI and what are the risks and threats of AI to human values including privacy, social justice (racists robots,distribution of wealth, monopoly,…), employment, machine effect on human behavior, security, safeguard against AI mistakes and protect against unintended consequences, keep control of complex systems,…
answering following questions may help you write the paper
1-Do you believe the current and future wave of intelligent automation will substantially differ from previous phases of automation and technological progress in terms of societal impact? Justify your answers.
2-What do you see as a solution for problems associated with increasing automation both currently and in the future? Do you think universal basic income (UBI) is a valid solution? Do you think UBI or a similar policy is inevitable as automation increases?
3-What do you believe is the most effective way to get an artificial intelligent agent to behave inline with our values? How would you address the fact that there is a vast diversity of values within the human population? If you were to explicitly provide such an agent with a command, how would you verify that all relevant details were provided to prevent unintentional consequences?
4-Do you believe it would even be possible to solve the control problem before we know substantial information about what form such a superintelligent AI agent will take?
5-Given the potential power of AI for both beneficial and malicious intent, who, if anyone, should have access to AI systems? How do we ensure only these groups control it? If you believe everyone should have access to AI, how do we keep people from using it in harmful ways?
6-how do we ensure that the benefits of AI aren’t exclusive to large tech companies and research labs that develop such technologies? If such organizations invested in the development themselves, they should gain some benefit from that investment. How do we balance these two goals? Do you think AI will affect the wealth gap?
7-What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence companions for the elderly? Are they a helpful tool to prevent depression and social isolation, a dystopian product preventing more meaningful social interaction, or somewhere in between? What do you believe their ideal role should be? Justify your answers.
8-Do you consider social intelligence a necessary component of intelligence? If so, where would it rank in terms of important components of intelligence? What do you consider the role of social skills in artificial intelligence, and how socially skilled would you prefer AI agents you interact with be? Why?please write in paper format, not in Q-A FORM