When Things Go Missing by Kathryn Schulz Discussion
Read this article https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/13/when… then follow the instructions:
We can–and should, at some point–get lost discussing the content of this essay (Links to an external site.). It’s arguably good writing and clearly worthy of our time on that level. That said, before we get to that point–discussing what the essay is “about”–let’s first take a look at the different kinds of resources Schulz has drawn from to build her writing and thinking. Let’s look at how she organized her ideas and how she approached the writing as a whole.
So–read closely, and make notes as you go (we’ll reference this essay throughout the semester). Tell me what you see regarding the following concepts when you read this essay:
- differentiating sources–what kinds of information does she incorporate / reference / use?
- voice–she is very personal in this piece (do you think you have to be personal in your own writing? Can you choose to be?)
- audience–who would you say is the audience, and why does it matter?
- what elements of this essay might stand as models for your own project?
- evaluate it’s “goodness”–do you think it’s good writing? Why / not?