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EGL 1340 PGCC Firewall Technology Essay


English 1340- Extended Definition Project- FA 2020

Assignment Overview: Students must complete a two-part project related to extended definitions. The project will consist of two technical documents: 1) an extended definition and 2) a piece of professional correspondence (letter, memo, email, etc.) that justifies and reflects on the choices made in the extended definition.

Deadline/Weight: The two documents should constitute at least 15% of students’ final grade.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Accommodate audience needs in technical writing
  2. Use a variety of composition modes effectively, including description, definition, comparison/contrast, process, and analysis.
  3. Present technical information, explanations, and recommendations clearly and effectively, using formal grammar, usage, mechanics, format, and graphics
  4. Prepare various types of technical and professional documents, including reports, correspondence, and résumé and application letter.
  5. Use primary and secondary sources appropriately by evaluating and integrating them into documents.
  6. Apply legal, ethical, and cultural considerations to issues in technical communication.

PART 1: Professional Correspondence (MEMO)

Purpose: To plan, reflect on, and justify the rhetorical choices made in the extended definition

Topic/Subject: The piece of correspondence should identify the purpose and audience for the extended definition. It should then justify the rhetorical choices made, explaining why they work, given the purpose and audience.

Genre: The specific type of correspondence will be a memo.

Intended Audience: Instructor, of, if relevant, the person or group publishing the extended definition document.

Length Requirements: At least 1 full page

PART 2: Extended Definition (REPORT)

Purpose: Create a technical document that defines a term or concept and extends it, using specific strategies.

Subject / Topic: For this project, students will create a definition of a term or concept. The term or concept could relate to the students’ majors, a course theme, or technical and professional communication issues. (Do not use the same topic as the Infographic Poster)

Genre: This should be in form of a report and should have at least three levels of extension.