UC Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Report
Review the case study provided (Link here). Each student in your group is to select a different theory to guide the assessment and intervention of this patient. Three students will pick a nursing theory different from the ones selected in Module 3 and two other students will select a non-nursing theory.
Included in this initial posting are the following:
Identify the theory selected, your rationale for the selection of this theory, the major concepts, and relationship statements applicable to this case situation. These statements need to be beyond generalized statements and illustrate intricate conceptual processes and thought of your theory. Need a reference.
State the level of theory and your rationale for selection.
Obtain one primary research article in which the theory you selected was used and then describe how the article informed you to specifically apply the findings to this case situation. This research article does need to test the theory related to your specific small group topic. You also need a primary reference (article or book) describing the theory selected. Your textbook may not be used as a primary source reference for your theory.
Describe how you would specifically apply this theory to this case related to assessment, feasible interventions, and measurable outcomes. We want detailed statements of application to the case study and not just general statements. These statements will go into detail regarding your feasible interventions and measurable outcomes. Envision yourself as an advanced practice nurse and how you would mentor or lead the other staff on your team related to the application of this theory to the case provided.
Succinctly summarize the strengths and limitations of the theory you selected.
List 1-2 points of what you learned from this experience above of finding and applying a research article to a practice situation.
List what you consider a well-designed PICOT question (clear and containing all the essential elements) related to the case situation.
PICOT is a mnemonic used to describe 5 elements of a good clinical question. It stands for
P – patient/problem
I – intervention
C- comparison
O- Outcome
T -Time
- Example: For patients living in a long-term care facility who are at risk for pressure ulcers (P), how does a pressure ulcer prevention program (I) compared to standard care (e.g., turn every 2 hours and going to the bathroom every two hours) (C) affect the development of pressure ulcers (O) in the next 30 days (T)?
- 8. Correct APA 7th edition listing for the 2 references. Keep any direct quotes to a maximum of 1-2. We prefer you write things in your own words and reference them correctly.
- Second Posting( THIS IS WHAT I NEED)
Review another student’s posting and provide a response that reflects critical thinking.
Provide a primary scholarly reference to support your response.
- You are essentially providing a comparison of the usefulness of the theory you selected to the one that another student in your group used.
Correct APA 7th edition listing for your reference.
CLASSMATES POST UNDER that I need to respond to
- Selected Theory:Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs TheoryI selected Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which is a non-nursing theory that is borrowed and adapted by many in the nursing field. Abraham Maslow, (1942/2012), stated “Human needs arrange themselves in hierarchies of pre-potency. The appearance of one need usually rest on the prior satisfaction of another, more pre-potent.” Maslow theory of hierarchy of needs is based on a five-tier process, where one must fulfill one level to achieve the next level. The five tiers are physiological needs, safety needs, love, acceptance and belonging needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. The lowest tier physiological needs include food, water, breathing, and homeostasis. These needs must be meet before moving to the next tier of security and safety needs. Some of the basic safety and security needs includes financial security, health and wellness, as well as safety against accidents and injury. These two tiers make up what is considered basic human needs. The first social tier is love, acceptance, and belongings which include things like friendship, romantic attachments, and family. This tier is followed by esteem needs, which is the fourth level, which can be described as appreciation and respect. The top tier of Maslow hierarchy of needs is self-actualization. People must have their needs met to reach their full potential as human beings. Maslow (1942/2012), reported that “people who are satisfied in these needs, basically are satisfied people, and it is from these that we may expect the fullest and healthiest creativeness.” Maslow’s hierarchy of needs relates to this patient simply because his needs are not met throughout the tiers. To achieve self actualization or accepting one as their selves, which is the top tier, the patient must meet the needs in the lower tiers. Mr. Smith presents for left foot pain and a wound, which is important to his health, his basic needs followed by social needs must also be met to optimize his health. Mr. Smith possibly has met the lowest tier of psychological needs, which include food, water, air, shelter, and clothing. However, it is possible that not all needs re met such as good sleep and sex. During a life review, Mr. Smith states he was recently widowed and his son is moving. Mr. Smith appears to be grieving and is exhibiting signs of depression which will affect all aspects of this tier as well as aspect of the next two tiers. As described above and his recent lab work and vital sign findings indicate, Mr. Smith is not meeting the key aspects of safety when concerning his health. Mr. Smith is lacking key aspects in each tier therefore he can not reach self actualization and optimize his health and wellness. Often time, we need to “get back to the basics”, in Mr. Smith’s case, this is completely true. In order, to assist him in reaching his goal of accepting oneself, then we, as medical professionals, need to assist Mr. Smith with meeting the basic needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and then assist him to transition through the tiers.
Primary Article:Shih, C. Y., Huang, C. Y., Huang, M. L., Chen, C. M., Lin, C. C., & Tang, F. I. (2018). The association of sociodemographic factors and needs of haemodialysis patients according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(1-2), 270–278. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14532
This article discussed the important of meeting the needs of patient undergoing hemodialysis and meeting their needs through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to achieve their optimal health outcomes. It was reported by Shih, et al. (2018), “Physicians and nurses need to create possibilities withing the healthcare process to meet the patient’s needs and to have the opportunity to show understanding of and address the physical inconveniences that patient face.” It summarized how healthcare providers should not only focus on the problem/needs that presents, but instead care for the whole patient and meeting the patient’s needs to optimize their health and wellness. These needs differ from patient to patient even when undergoing the same procedure or having similar medical problems. Even though this article is about meeting the needs of patient’s undergoing hemodialysis through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the same can be true for Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith presents with left foot pain and wound, which is a true medical problem, however his basic needs are not met therefore he is not achieving his optimal health. As per the article, healthcare providers assist the patient in meeting his needs per the tiers, at least identify the needs, then both the patient and healthcare worker work together to achieve and maintain health.
Applying the Theory:As an advanced practitioner, I would apply Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to Mr. Smith by getting back to the basics. I would first talk to Mr. Smith about his basic needs, which is the first level. These needs could be assessed by asking open ended questions to Mr. Smith by asking about living condition, availability of food, water, electricity. Since it is reported that Mr. Smith’s wife passed away nine months ago and his son recently moved away, his ability to care for himself in basic ways might have been significantly altered. Asking open ended questions could assist myself, as the practitioner, to adjust my care and to provide resources so he can meet these basic needs and then move into the next tier. This lowest tier also involves maintaining homeostasis, which in Mr. Smith case would be maintaining normal or close to normal blood glucose levels. Homeostasis is defined as the body ability to maintain a stable internal environment. One intervention for homeostasis could be a referral for home health. Home health could easily guide him in reaching homeostasis through medical intervention, education, and health promotion program. Home health agency employee a medical social worker on staff that is available to assess and intervene with the patient’s basic needs as described in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This could help eliminate the unwillingness to care for himself and allow healthcare professionals to assess and intervene to meet his most basic needs. Even though maintaining homeostasis by regulating blood glucose levels is vital to Mr. Smith’s health, I think assessing and intervening where needed with the other needs in the tier is just as important. Maslow considered the bottom tier, the most important as all the other needs become secondary until these needs are met.
Outcomes:To reach Mr. Smith’s full potential aligning with health and wellness, Mr. Smith will need his basic needs met. Mr. Smith with assistance from a home health agency will have follow up care and repeat laboratory findings and wound assessment every three months. As his basic needs are met, his outcomes will be measured with improvement of fasting glucose, hemoglobin A1C, improvement of wound healing, as well as improvement on depression scale.
Summarize the strength and limitations of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:In summary, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has some strengths and limitation. One strength is that the needs are very understandable to the typical person. The typical person can understand how basic needs need to be met before moving into the next tier. I also think this could be a limitation as well. Maslow did not define if all needs in that tier need to be met to seamlessly move through the tiers to achieve health and happiness. Another strength is that this allows a person to achieve personal, professional, and medical growth. Another limitation to his theory is it can not be tested empirically meaning it can not be measured. It would be difficult to measure how one is satisfied with one tier before moving into the next. Another limitation is that it does not take the person as individual into account. The latter two limitation go in hand and hand together. As an individual, my individual needs in one tier might not be of the same of importance to the next individual, or for that matter move the tiers at the same rate.
What I Learned:I learned the importance of transitioning through the tiers to achieve optimal health both physically and mentally. As human beings, Maslow based this hierarchy of needs, starting with the most basic and ending to self actualization. I learned that to achieve this, one must meet all needs to fully be successful. Even though I feel that every single need in a tier does not necessarily have to be completely achieved, to be successful the tiers must be met to the person’s satisfaction. As per Mr. Smith, he lacks the critical elements in each tier therefore his own health and wellness is suffering. Even though Maslow’s theory is a non-nursing theory, nurses use this theory to assist their patients to achieve their goals to optimize their health. I learned that properly performing research to a specific topic can be quite challenging when wanting to apply a topic to a specific case. I found that it can be easier to start board and then start narrowing down from there. Once the particular article was found, I found appyling the article was quite simple. The hardest part was finding the right research article. I did realize that multiple research articles even when researching different problems could be applied to multiple problems with appropriate outcomes.
PICOT:For adult patients suffering from depression and stress (P), how does transitioning through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (I) compare to traditional care with pharmacological management (C) at improving health outcomes (O) in 6 months
(T). ReferenceMaslow, A. (2012). A theory of human motivation. Start Publishing LLC. (Original work published 1942) ReplyReply to Comment