Georgia Institute of Cosmetology Monstress and Bitch Planet Discussion
I’m trying to study for my Writing course and I need some help to understand this question.
This week we’re discussing the first volume of two feminist comic book series, Bitch Planet and Monstress. Bitch Planet is a hyperbolic take on patriarchy and uses shocking imagery as both a callback to exploitation-era cinema and to incite the reader into making connections to our own society. Monstress takes place in an alternate Earth where women are the heroes, the villains, and pretty much every character in between.
This week we’ll be practicing our skills of close reading. Your task is to compare and contrast two images, one from Monstress and one from Bitch Planet. Your task is to upload one image from each comic (it can be a screenshot, a photo taken with your phone, an image from internet, etc.) Compare each panel or scene, discussing the scenes in terms of the significance of the role of gender.