Abraham Baldwin My Most Significant Learning Outcome in This Course Discussion
For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:
- What was your most significant learning in this course?
- How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-200 word reply about his or her Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:
- What did you learn from your classmate’s posting? What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
- What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
- What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
first student: Jeniffer
- What was your most significant learning in this course?
I truly enjoyed many different aspects of this class. Being able to look at things in both a consumer status and from “behind the scenes” in the marketing realm and compare the two, it all fits together like a jigsaw puzzle. Understanding how online sellers market their brand with advertising, PR, or social media, and at what degrees and levels of each, based on the brand, was rather interesting, especially when coupled with looking further into brands that lead and those that follow and the advertising tactics each uses therein. I had not really noticed before how a leading brand, like McDonald’s, never talks about how their product X is better than the competitor’s Y before. Now, after having learned just that point, I began to see it in the various commercials I would come across on tv, and it stands out rather blatantly now. And considering what steps the brand takes to help entice a customer’s purchase, and their money, such as regarding my last few purchases, has really made a lot of sense.
Taking this course at the same time as Consumer Behavior Fundamentals is rather cool because it takes me even deeper into the concepts being shared in both this class and the other. I have been enjoying every step along the way.
- How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
Attending the live chat discussions was extremely helpful as it allowed us to delve deeper into the different topics and subject matter; hearing more than just a textbook has always helped me. The depth to which Professor Michaels went explaining and expressing the information he was sharing was wonderful, allowing in-depth data to be communicated and questions along the way as needed for clarification. I honestly do not have any questions remaining, and therefore no clarification is necessary.
Second student :Brian Kenny
Discussion Board 5
I don’t think I have much need for clarification on anything from this course. For me, some Intellipaths always help reinforce some of the ideas, but I don’t know that this is the case with this course. Although I couldn’t attend any of the live chats with my work schedule, I found them to be more useful than my experience with the live chats. I liked that they were at least designed to be engaging rather than some of the other classes I’ve taken where they could’ve been pre-recorded, and I wouldn’t have known the difference. I also appreciated that current events were pulled in to help solidify some concepts.
As far as what my most significant learning from this course was, I think that’s difficult to narrow down. I only have two more classes to go, and I think this is the class I’ve appreciated most and taken the most from despite being somewhat intimidated by a class with so many papers coming up at a bad time. I enjoyed learning and thinking about how to be a brand leader. Looking to start/join a medical vendor company soon, it’s interesting to think of how to present yourself as a brand leader. Perhaps, how to be ahead of the competition in what hospitals are looking for, and where the direction of healthcare is headed is a better way of saying that. The history nerd in me also appreciated researching the history of a company, and since it was about the automotive industry, it came at a time when I was reading books about the collapse of Detroit. It’s difficult to relate the concepts of customer segments when you’re marketing to organizations rather than individuals, but I like the idea of how to capitalize on the right PR. Having worked in this specific sector of the healthcare industry before, I can look back and relate it to times when an article would be written about treating kidney stones with shockwaves and we’d be busier than normal for a few months. I have new ideas of how to “advertise” using whatever is going out in medical journals.
I also just think it’s interesting to learn about all the ways we are advertised to in the digital age. I can’t say I often think about what influences my purchases unless there’s a discussion board about it. It’s interesting to learn about what influences all our decisions. Anyways, thanks to everyone for their efforts on the discussion boards