New York Medical College Stress and Health Communication Skills Paper
The term paper must be at least 4 full but not more than 6 pages of text with the following set-up requirements:
- ? 1″ margins all around
- ? double (2.0) spacing (except where APA style calls for otherwise)
- ? Times New Roman font (in regular face except where APA style calls for otherwise)
- ? 12 pt. text
- ? full name and page number should appear in the upper right corner of each page
- ? paper’s title at the top center of the first page no larger than 14 pt. NO COVER PAGE.
- ? no subheadings after the title
- ? new paragraphs should be indented
- ? NO extra spaces before or after new paragraphs
- ? any graphs, figures, charts, diagrams, pictures, etc. should be added separately after yourreport and properly labeled and referred to in the text
- ? references must also be separate, at the end of your paper, and must conform to APAstyle.
- ? YOU SHOULD CHECK YOUR PAPER FOR ANY FORM OF PLAGIARISM. ANYEVIDENCE OF PLAGIARISM IS CONSIDERED INTENTIONAL AND WILL BE PENALIZED. ALL PAPERS WILL UNDERGO THE CANVAS TURNITIN PLAGIARISM CHECK UPON SUBMISSION. Once submitted, you may NOT edit your paper. The originality percentage will affect your score; the report is manually reviewed to assess the reliability of the percentage, i.e. a lower percentage DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT YOUR PAPER IS FREE OF PLAGIARISM. Review the resources provided on the page “Avoiding Plagiarism and APA Style Guides 7th Ed.” (found in the Class Resources module). You may also consider working with NYMC’s Academic Support Writing Specialists (as posted in Announcements: REMINDER: Academic Support Services Available)Unlike your usual assignments, your term paper must be posted to the forum as a Word attachment. There are two forums in each topic: the first forum is for term papers ONLY; the following forum is for participation posts ONLY (you must post all your replies in ONE, NEW discussion thread). Please make sure you post your submissions in the right places.The specific topic of the term paper will be assigned to you. Each paper will report on a stress reduction technique and should cover three main areas (Hint: address each area with equal emphasis to maximize your score):
1. Your paper should open with general, historical information about the origins/beginnings and development/evolution of the technique since inception to the present. Be sure to highlight important developments in how the technique is administered or regulated today.
2. You should then discuss how the technique is applied (how is it done?) and explain the mechanism(s) by which it reduces the effects of stress (why does it work?).
3. Lastly, you should report on at least 2 sources from expert or scientific literature that give evidence in support of the efficacy of the technique, preferably in reference to specific populations per the availability of research studies or expert testimony. You may use the text as a secondary resource. Your primary resources should be drawn from expert or scientific literature, whether print or electronic, to broaden the class’ understanding of stress reduction techniques and to give credence and support as to its efficacy.
The grading out of 100 points (which accounts for 15% of your overall course grade) will be as follows:
10% adherence to general guidelines; 10% adherence to APA style; 10% writing style and organization (not spelling or grammar, but PLEASE have someone proofread your paper!); 10% accurate and appropriate use of resources (including your TurnItIn originality percentage and report review); 20% history of origins/beginnings and development/evolution of the technique; 20% application and explanation of mechanism(s); 20% supporting evidence. TIP: NOTE THAT THE THREE SECTIONS ARE EACH GRADED EQUALLY THEREFORE GIVE EACH SECTION EQUAL TREATMENT.
Penalties for tardy submissions as outlined in the syllabus apply.
As there is no other required reading assigned in these two topics, all students (even those who
posted papers) are required to read ALL PAPERS SUBMITTED.
By 10:00 PM EDT in each topic, Wednesday, 11/24, for topic 12 (due to Thanksgiving Day) and Wednesday, 12/1, for topic 13, ALL STUDENTS (even those who submitted reports!) must post at least 2 participation posts per topic to other classmates’ work (not 2 per report, i.e. 2 posts to topic12 and 2 posts to topic 13). One of the participation posts in each topic must report on your personal experience with one of the reporter’s stress reduction techniques with regards to its application and effectiveness in your life; the other participation post may be a comment of
your choosing as long as it broadens the discussion and adds to the class’ understanding. Note that, since the term paper grade is a separate grade on its own and since there is no
other homework assigned other than the two participation posts per topic, each participation post is worth 6 points, for a total of 12 points in each topic. Each participation post should be at least 300 but not more than 400 words in length.
Remember to post ALL your replies (including those for extra credit) in ONE, NEW discussion thread in the LOWER forum, DIRECTLY into the forum (no attachments). The usual penalties for tardy participation posts apply.
As plagiarism detectors, unfortunately, are not foolproof, YOU MUST PROVIDE in a separate file that you will email to me (not submitted to the forum with your paper) copies of the material used for your report. You may copy and paste or screen shot online sources and use a scanner or photograph for an off line source. Make sure each source is clearly labeled with at least the author and date. Where possible, please highlight sections used and/or indicate page number and approximate location (e.g. page 39, second column, third paragraph). For the text, you must provide a page number.
This Addendum will allow papers to be processed faster. Failure to provide an addendum will lower your score for “accurate and appropriate use of resources” by 6 points.
Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please post a message in the Q & A forum so that other classmates may benefit from the information.