Drexel University College of Medicine County Health Ranking Worksheet
Assessment of Opportunities and Challenges with Available Resources to Identify Population Health Needs through the County Health Ranking, registries, claims and EHR data, and the Community Health Needs Assessment
Includes group work: No
Grading Method: points
Instructions (What to Do and How to Do it): Review County Health Ranking, registries, claims and EHR data, and the Community Health Needs Assessment for an area you are most involved or interested. For the County Health Ranking – the RWJ/University of Wisconsin County Health Rankings Website at www.countyhealthrankings.org and for the CHNA while focusing on your health system or community hospital use the Hopkins and Geisinger CHNA as examples of a comprehensive CHNA as a comparison.
Write a 2 – 3 page double-spaced critique of the methods used to define county health rankings including health factors and outcomes. Critique the data used and note what additional data should also be used to evaluate community health status. Feel free to research other critiques, but be sure to reference them.
Focus: Use assignments to explore topics of particular interest to you either geography or subject area. These are excellent exercises to explore areas that you are working through that you can get others perspectives in a learning environment.
- Required Resources: Wisconsin County Health Rankings Website at www.countyhealthrankings.orgFor an interesting analysis of the County Health Rankings, see: “What determines health: a causal analysis using county level data.†The European Journal of Health Economics. 2012 (online first). http://www.springerlink.com.proxy1.lib.tju.edu/content/h4576j8932u3n500/fulltext.pdfPlease take the time to view http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/learn-from-others/webinars/making-the-most-of-the-2018-county-health-rankings-release to learn the background on the County Health RankingsHopkins and Geisinger CHNA as examples of a comprehensive CHNA as a comparison. (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/the_johns_hopkins_hospital/about/in_the_community/_docs/2018-community-health-needs-assessment.pdf ) (https://www.geisinger.org/-/media/OneGeisinger/pdfs/ghs/about-geisinger/chna/2018-reports/gmc-gsach-chna-2018.pdfla=en )