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University of Maryland Elements of Nutrition Dietary Analysis Part II


Using the Nutrition Report attached, fill in the Average Eaten columns of Tables of 1 and 2 of the file you just opened.  To fill in Table 1, Energy and Macronutrients (percent of calories), use the top of the report as shown below.  You will need to hover over each macronutrient name to see percent of calories from each.  Do NOT use information from the sections that are crossed out on the image below.

For remaining macronutrient components and the micronutrients, use the Nutrition Report tables to obtain the information to fill remaining average intakes for Tables 1 and 2.

Using the screenshot below as an example (vitamins in this case), you will use the 1st column values rather than the red/yellow/green bar values in the 2nd column.

5.  Finish Tables 1 and 2 in the document you downloaded by using the following resources for Target or RDA/AI Nutrient values.

Macronutrients: Use the AMDRs that you learned about in your text for Target values.  These can be found in their respective chapters in the text (Chapters 4, 5, and 6).

Micronutrients: Use the link below for RDA/AI values for all vitamins and minerals except Vitamins A and D. For Vitamins A and D, the units from Cronometer do not match the RDA/AI units found in the link below.  While this is the most recent publication for RDA/AIs, presently IUs are the preferable measurement for vitamins A and D. As a result, Cronometer provides their results in IUs for these two vitamins. Use the following reference:

           Vitamin A –     RDA 3000 IU for males

                                   RDA 2,333 IU for females

           Vitamin D –     RDA 600 IU for males and females

Here is a detailed reference for Dietary Reference Intakes for all vitamins and macronutrients (see pp. 1-5), which will benefit the analysis portion of your paper: DRI Values…

Step 4: Analysis Questions

1.  Answer Questions 1-9 in the file you downloaded above based on your results in Tables 1 and 2. Use complete sentences and ensure proper grammar and spelling.

2. In order to calculate the EER equation (question #2 on the Word document you have downloaded in order to complete this assignment), you will need your PA value (physical activity).  Use the following PA levels for your equation based on your gender and activity level:

  • Men
    • 1.0 for sedentary
    • 1.11 for low active
    • 1. 25 for active
    • 1.48 for very active
  • Women
    • 1.0 for sedentary
    • 1.12 for low active
    • 1. 27 for active
    • 1.45 for very active