Health Medical Homework Help

Adverse Effect of Diabetes Among the Hispanic Latino Population Concept Map


Hi, I need someone to fix the assignment that I have done which I earned an F on. It is called diabetes. The topic that I chose is how diabetes affects Hispanic/Latino Americans.

Here are the initial instructions just so that you know what the assignment was all about.

Create a concept map showing the relationship of health disparities, pertinent determinants of health, ethical considerations, and human rights for a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population. Your concept map should:

  • Identify the main concept (a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population)
  • Describe the supporting subtopics of:
  • Health disparities impacting the population globally
  • Pertinent determinants of health (at least three)
  • Ethical considerations (at least three)
  • Human rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (at least three)

I have attached the corrections at the bottom of the document called case_study_instructions that need to be addressed. There is a template to load everything into. I think it should be easy , looks like a few tweaks to include maybe some more in depth information and then copy and paste it into a template ( attached ) so its organized :).