TCNJ Positive Aspects of Diverse Workforce in an Organization Essay
I’m working on a research & summaries discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
The Semester Project is an opportunity to select a topic of your choice within the field of Business Ethics (or Leadership Ethics) that you will focus on in-depth throughout the semester. Your topic should consider the multidisciplinary lens of the course. In most cases, your research will consist of reading the literature and available research on your topic in order to write a paper that states a concise research question, analyzes strong evidence (from existing publications), and draws conclusions. You are not expected to conduct physical research on human subjects; such work would require IRB approval. which is beyond the scope of this course. Rather, you are encouraged to do a thorough literature review of the information about your topic and relate it to your own life context.
Format: Semester project submissions must be in APA format, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman. You must use the template provided as a guide. It will lead to a final paper of approximately 10-20 pages. Minimum 10 peer-reviewed articles.