CC Counterargument of The Death Penalty Discussion
Upload your file, Counter-Argument by 11/14 ; of course, you will as usual get my comments when work is submitted on time to aid in your production of the complete draft (due 12/09 last day of classes). Remember when writing your Counter-argument to use your third solution to mitigate climate change; make sure that it is not a better solution than the two primary solutions that are included in your Climate Action Plan. You need to provide evidence/research about its possibilities, and also, you will concede that it could have a positive impact on mitigating climate change. However, then you will refute it as being a primary solution because compared to your two primary solutions, it has lower impact, higher cost, to time consuming, to political, or a problem of personal choice, etc. Again, I will check these complete drafts, give you feedback, and you can revise as needed.
COUNTERARGUMENT PARAGRAPH (concession/refutation)
PURPOSE: To anticipate your reader’s objections; make yourself sound more objective and reasonable.
- (transition) Topic Sentence: What possible argument might your reader pose against your argument and/or some aspect of your reasoning that has value? (Concession)
- Explain Topic Sentence: Do you need to explain the topic sentence? If so, do so here.
- Introduce Evidence: Insert one or more of those arguments here and refute them.
- State (their) Evidence: What supporting evidence (reasons, examples, facts, statistics, and/or quotations) prove/support/explain their claim? (need intext citation beside research)
- Explain Evidence: How should we read or interpret the evidence they are providing us? How does this evidence support the point they are trying to make in this paragraph? Must be fact based and well developed paragraph.
- Concluding Sentence: End your paragraph with a concluding sentence that reasserts your papers claim as a whole. (Refutation)
Student Examples (for Counter-Argument):
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You will upload these files, your paragraphs, so that they can be evaluated in a timely fashion, or the feedback you get will be limited. Use button to the right that says “SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT.”
POST: When you feel that you have a competent counter-argument paragraph post your file below:
Forma t (use the part for Counter-Argument paragraph)
Composition Concerns: the Conclusion paragraph is to be written in formal voice (3rd person); advice on paragraph construction follows:
Third-Person Objective Viewpoint
Reminder: Check the examples of the summary paragraphs (second and third paragraphs in the essay:
To Post the paragraph :
When you feel that you have two Introduction paragraph:
Use blue button to the right that says “SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT.”