Outpatient Immunization Clinic Health Service Management Project Report
I have completed a Health Service Management Capstone project and have received some editing feedback that I need help implementing.
The edits are as follows:
- You use the phrase in your goals “by mandating” –only government can mandate
- Your goals and objectives are too broad; consider you are doing this for Baton Rouge, LA
- Your organization chart has no positions in it; what kind of people will be therapeutic staff RNs? You can have departments, but they must have positions in it for people to fill. Also, I think that you might want to rethink the diagnostic piece, you have a hospital to do that
- Consider focusing less on adverse reactions in the clinic; in our country the adverse reaction to Covid Vaccine is something like 0.0005%; the adverse reactions to other vaccinations are probably the same if not less
- You did a job description paragraph not a job description like we did in the assignment
- Your data collection does not match your objectives; you need to measure what is in your objective