Writing Homework Help

Central Texas College Linmark Filipino Immigrants Questions


I’m studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.

excellent answers that demonstrate thorough engagement and analysis of the assigned readings. These answers fully respond to all aspects of the FQ; cite specific support for answers from the text or through argument based on an engaged reading of the text; and demonstrate creativity and critical thought that relates to the course and module themes. 

1. Darlene Rodrigues discusses intergenerational trauma as something felt, intimate, and painful: “the body remembers historical oppression.” (Rodrigues, 201). How does Rolling the R’s stage histories of economic exploitation, U.S. colonialism, and ongoing inequalities as structuring the ways that characters discuss, approach, or experience their bodies in Rolling the Rs

2. How does “Calling All Filipinos” address concerns raised by Trask’s “Decolonizing Literature”?