UAGC Social Policy Aboriginal Child Welfare in British Columbia Discussion
Components of good critical reflections include (1) linking past, present, and future experience; (2) integrating cognitive and emotional experience; (3) considering the material from multiple perspectives; (4) reframing; (5) stating the lessons learned; and (6) planning for future learning or behavior (Aronson, 2011). Consider the following questions as a guideline:
• What did I learn?
• What does the reading mean for me in the context of other learning that I have done in this class or other classes?
• What am I going to do about (or with) what I have learned?
Holyk, T., & Harder, H.G. (2016). Aboriginal child welfare in British Columbia: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Canadian Review of Social Policy/ Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale 74 p. 82 – 108.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
Zhou, Yanqiu Rachel. (2013)
Toward transnational care interdependence: Rethinking the relationships between care, immigration and social policy. Global Social Policy, December, Vol.13(3), pp.280-298