Cyber Security Synopsis that Summarizes the Current Event Research Paper…
Students will research cybersecurity related news and identify a current event (from the past 6 months) that is related to a cybersecurity topic covered in this course. After identifying a current event, students will write up a detailed synopsis of the current event and provide their opinion on the important business implications (or the “So what? Who cares?”). The audience of your current event is Sr. Level Management (e.g. Vice President of company, CEO, etc) and should be tailored as such.
Submission Details:
- The Assignment will have two clearly labeled parts:
- Part 1: Students must provide a detailed synopsis that summarizes the current event, including identifying key issues or concerns. Page length: At least ONE (1) full page.
- Part 2: Students must provide a comprehensive opinion on the business implications of this current event. For example, what should a company start doing? Stop doing? What is the “so what, who cares?” response to the current event? Page length: Approximately three (2) pages.
- Assignments must be in a professional format with the students name clearly designated on the document.
- Font size should be NO LARGER THAN 12 point.
- All margins one (1) Inch.
- Double Spaced.
- References must be properly cited using APA style.