LIN 101 University of Toronto Intro to Linguistic Questionnaire
For each of the following, list whichtwo body partsare pressed together to articulate theindicated sound the way you pronounce these English words.
a. the consonant at the beginning ofbin
b. the consonant at the beginning ofchick
c. the consonant at the end ofbind. the consonant at the end of chick
For each of the following signs for DOCTOR from three different signed languages, listwhichjointsare used for manual movement during the sign (any flexing, abduction, rotation, etc.).Do not count any initial or final movements required to get the articulators into and out of position,just the movements that occur during the main part of the sign. [3 marks]a.… Sign Language,Ελληνική νοηματική γλώσσα)b.… Sign Language,Polski Język Migowy)c.… Sign Language,Svenskt teckenspråk