UCI Costs of Ivanpah Solar Power Facility Research Paper
Write a 4 pages research paper talks about the costs of Ivanpah Solar Power Facility. Please including capital, and operations and maintenance costs. You are also to calculate the “bottom line” cost of electricity ($/kWhr). Don’t forget to include storage and distribution costs in this analysis.
Here are some useful info I found online. Please add more detailed references to back up the paper.
DO NOT waste paragraphs talks about the background or other info about the power planet. All 3 pages needs to talk about the cost! ONLY what’s mentioned above. Nothing more than that!
Have attached some explainlation help you to calculate the cost. DO NOT include equations in the paper you should write about the result and analyze it. theyre just some basic economic equations, really easy to follow. but if you dont understand the equation thats also fine. just write down the cost (based on your research) behind each catagories, i can calculate by myself.