DAT510 CTI Data Analytics Proposal Presentation
For this milestone, submit Sections A–D of the proposal portion of the final project (Part II).
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Proposal
A. Goals: What are the goals of this initiative? How do they align with the organizational mission? And how do you plan to measure success? Be sure
to consider the progress and pathway for data analytics projects of the type you chose to propose.
B. Data Analytics Life Cycle: Apply the data analytics life cycle to your proposed initiative, and walk your audience (management) through the life
cycle as it applies to the initiative.
C. Value of Life Cycle: Based on your application of the life cycle to the initiative, analyze how the life cycle will help you infer predictability,
performance, quality, and security of your initiative and its results.
D. Data: Evaluate the existing or desired data for its applicability to your proposed data analytics initiative. In other words, what are the benefits and
limitations of the current data for the use you have in mind, including potential collection and security implications?