Walden University Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws and Conventions Presentation
You may use additional formats if you wish, including role-plays, skits, short videos, or case studies. The presentations will revolve around this topic below. Resources on these topics have been provided above.
You are not required to use these resources, and you are encouraged to explore the topic more deeply and broadly than the one or two resources for each topic above.
Students will prepare a PowerPoint presentation presenting the topic or concept (historical context and issues from which it emerged, main thinkers, main publications or works, main arguments, applications).
(Minimum 20 slides, and for each slide, you should put “add notes”). In add notes should resume or summarize each bullet point on each slide. I also need an outline.
You are NOT making arguments for or against – you are simply teaching your classmates what the topic or concept entails. The student will then design up to five discussion questions (you should review these with your instructor the week before the class you are facilitating). These questions should be designed to get students to think about the topic or concept critically and nuanced.
In general, one hour should be for presentation/activities and one hour to lead the discussion.
The topic is: Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws and Conventions
(Let say that we can choose the UN as an institution to Codes of Conduct, Minimum Standards, Best Practices, or a specific university such as Nova Southeastern University (NSU) or choose US Army or US Congress)
APA format should be strictly followed in this PowerPoint.
Section Required Texts and Material:
Murithi, Tim. 2009. The Ethics of Peacebuilding. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Weston, Anthony.
Weston, Anthony. 2006. Creative Problem-Solving in Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Neufeldt, Reina. 2016. Ethics for Peacebuilders: A practical guide. New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Section Supplemental Material:
Additional Course Resources
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/302438828… party_Roles_in_Con?lict
https://www.cdacollaborative.org/publication/the-do-no-harm-framework-for-analyzing- the-impact-of-assistance-on-con?lict-a-handbook/
https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2019/02/class-ceiling-laurison- friedman-elite-
https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/05/how-every-part-of-the-hiring- process-favors-elites/425196/
https://www.google.com/search?q=situation+ethics:+the+new+morality&client=?irefox-b- 1-d&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&?ir=ktT8cOxR-Ut6vM%253A%252Ceb5oqerj- ZMDZM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_- kSK8frvDIN646Spz1dD_b1imjgLQQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6xNbIoYPiAhUhh- AKHa28CZ4Q9QEwAHoECAoQBg#imgrc=ktT8cOxR-Ut6vM:
http://local.con?lictsensitivity.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Con?lict-Sensitive- Approaches-to-Development-Humanitarian-Assistance-and-Peacebuilding-Resource- Pack.pdf
http://con?lictsensitivity.org/key_reading/con?lict-sensitive-approaches-to-development- humanitarian-assistance-and-peacebuilding-resource-pack/
https://www.barnesandnoble.com/p/augustinian-just-war-theory-and-the-wars-in- afghanistan-and-iraq-craig-j-n-de-paulo/1102102924/2675169410977? st=PLA&sid=BNB_ADL+Marketplace+Good+New+Books+- +Desktop+Low&sourceId=PLAGoNA&dpid=tdtve346c&2sid=Google_c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9rnSzcGD4 ifD_BwE