Social Science Parenting and Sleep Question
One strong paragraph for each one question, I need this work without plagiarism
Answer the following questions regarding chapters 1-3 of “Parenting Without Borders” by Gross-Loh. Be sure to answer all prompts and give examples from each chapter to demonstrate that you completed the assigned readings.
- Please use your own words when completing this assignment.
Chapter 1 – Sleep Time: Keep our Babies Close or Give Them Space?
In this chapter Gross-Loh reviews differences in sleeping practices around the world, and the reasoning behind those practices.
1. Where do most babies around the world sleep?
2. What is the connection between SIDS and the context in which it occurs?
3. What is the reasoning behind why many parents and non-Western cultures practice co-sleeping? Contrast this with why co-sleeping is practiced less here in the United States.
4. What did Meret Keller and Wendy Goldberg find regarding co-sleeping in later outcomes?
Chapter 2 – Buy, Buy, Buy: Why are we drowning in Stuff?
5. Compare and contrast the Japanese and American views on buying stuff for their kids. What are the reasons behind these differences?
6. Why is sharing so important in Japan?
7. How are American and Japanese philosophies around material possessions passed on to children as young as infants and toddlers?
8. Why does Gross-Loh believe that “the best way to make your kids happy is by providing them with less”?
Chapter 3 – Global Food Rules: How Parents Around the World Teach their Children to Eat
9. What can be learned from how other countries feed young children? Give examples from Japan and France.
10. In Japan, how does the entire community help shape toddlers’ eating habits?
11. What does a “good” parent do to help their children learn to eat anything?