HIST 15 SJSU EPIC Movement California Labor Activism & FDRs Four Freedoms Essay
To the best of your ability write an essay that addresses the following questions below based off of the supplementary readings, “Labor Activism in California,” the documentary “We Have A Plan,” and President Franklin Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech. Your essay MUST be at least 4 to 5 paragraphs long. Each paragraph MUST be at least 4 to 6 sentences long. Please use each source.
If your essay is less than 4 paragraphs and each paragraph is less than 4 sentences you WILL LOSE POINTS. If you do NOT use all 3 sources you WILL LOSE POINTS.
Essay Prompt
It is stated in the New Deal lecture that the word liberalism underwent a shift in its definition to describe the preservation of economic security and the prevention of economic inequality. How do the two readings and the documentary show the preservation of economic security and the prevention of economic inequality? In other words, how did the California EPIC movement, California labor activism, and FDR’s Four Freedoms reflect the concern that average people should be able to make a decent living? Provide specific examples and be as specific as possible in your writing.
Remember to use the reading material and video assigned to formulate your answer to the essay prompt. You will NOT receive any points if there are not direct references to the readings/video. The point of this assignment is to get you to engage with primary sources, which will add another dimension to your understanding of US history.
Additionally, DO NOT use the internet or alternate sources in any of your written responses. If you use outside sources that is considered cheating and plagiarism, and has severe repercussions at SJSU. It is very easy for me to tell when a student is using outside sources and is plagiarizing their work.
Labor Activism in California: https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cf…
We Have a Plan:
Four Freedom’s Speech: https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/fdrthefo…