CSULA Annotated Bibliography
i have attached the prospectus this is the bibliography for the research paper we did the prospectus on! turning it into TURNITIN.COM NO PLAGERSIM PLEASE
YOU MUST HAVE A TOTAL OF 7 SOURCES LISTED – 5 Secondary and 2 Primary. Algorithms of Oppression (PAGES 64-109) and Zucked MUST be included as two of the seven. They are your primary texts.
In a nutshell:
List 7 sources just like you would a Works Cited Page. 2 sources must be McNamee and Noble. 2 must be from the gcc databases. The three others can be from the databases or another scholarly text. Under each source, share in 100-150, each: 1) Add a summary of the source 2) Add the credibility of the author or the source 3) Explain why the source is important for your paper. Proofread and make certain the citations are correct.
For those who like more detail:
The goal of this assignment is to help you compile, select, and study the sources you will use in your essay. It also asks you to spend time reading, interpreting, and analyzing your sources so that you can decide how you might incorporate them in your project. You may find through your studying of a selected source that it doesn’t quite fit the purpose of your essay and, in that case, you can choose not to use it. In any case, this assignment requires you to become familiar with the sources you’ve gathered and to consider how they might operate in your essay discussion (to help you develop your thesis/analysis or answer your guiding question).
Assignment Requirements
To create your bibliography, follow these guidelines (each of these is a required component of each entry):
1). List all of your selected sources in MLA format (8th edition) and in alphabetical order.
2). Just below each MLA citation, write a 100-150 word abstract which includes the following information:
- A brief non-evaluative summary of each source which explains the work’s governing thesis or purpose (What are the main points? How does it address your its subject?)
- Brief biographical or identifying information for the source’s author. If there is no author, provide identifying information regarding the source itself. (Why is it credible? What is the context of the source?)
- Give some indication of how you intend to use the work – what its value will be to your project, etc.
3). Before turning in your annotated bibliography:
- Proofread and correct for errors.
- Be sure your bib is typed, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1”
- Double-check your citations with Purdue OWL (linked on Canvas). Don’t rely on citation creation websites.
A “complete” for this assignment will be awarded based on the correctness of your citations(MLA, 8th edition format) and the strength of your abstracts (all three layers covered, well-edited).