Writing Homework Help

LBSU 304 Brandman University Wk 5 You & History Worksheet


Combine your personal impressions during a particular time period in your life vis-à-vis broader historical events. For the most complete understanding of any historical period, you need data, including quantitative sources of information. History and historiography require studying many sources of data. As the Association of American Colleges and Universities points out students should have the ability to make judgments and draw appropriate conclusions based on the quantitative analysis of data. Students should also have the ability to make and evaluate important assumptions in data analysis, and they should be able to express quantitative evidence in support of their arguments. In this case, you will enhance your historical awareness of a short period of time by availing yourself of readily available quantitative data to form a more detailed and possibly nuanced picture of a specific time period that is also personally important to you. 

2000-2005 Personal

situations/events2001 Born in Indio, California2010-2015 Personal

situations/events2015 Parents Separated2016-2020 Personal

situations/events2019 Graduated High School  2020 Got 1st Job 2021- Now Personal

situations/events2021- Graduated with AA & Now atteneding Brandman University for my BA