VVC Helping Skills Worksheet
- What was the purpose of meeting with the parents and the child separately?
- How did this or how did this not facilitate movement in the therapeutic process?
- Was there a moment in each clip that stood out for you most? Why?
- Did you observe any of the following skills and if so, how were they used? Expressing empathy, advanced reflecting, identifying patterns and themes, partializing, supporting self-efficacy, and problem identification.
- The stages of change are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapse/termination. What stage is the family in? What is evidence do you have to support your response? For example, did the parent(s) or children say or do something to indicate where they are at?
- What might you recommend as an intervention for this family that fits appropriately with the stage of change they are in? Please look at the video and answer the questions. Single Spaced. Do not include the questions. Use the text (included) and 1 peer reviewed article as references. Thank you.