GOVT 2306 Arizona CAH Police brutality in the United States Question
For this paper you will pick any topic in the world that interests you. There is nothing that is out of bounds. The best papers are the ones that are on topics that mean something to you. After you pick a topic follow the guidelines below. Remember we are in college , as thus , C means average, B means above average and A means excellent.
Government Issue Paper
Requirements. 50% of grade
Use 12 pt. Arial Narrow font as I am.
Cover Page with Your Name, my name, and class on it.
5 real double spaced pages of material. 1 in. margins.
Cite your sources. I am not worried about style choice, just be consistent.
Content. 50% of grade
Pick any subject that you are concerned about in the world.
Tell me about at least 5 laws that relate to it (look at federal and state levels and if you want international ),
Find at least 1 court case covering the topic and analyze it for me.
Find at least 2 interest groups and discuss what, how, and how effective they are in getting their message out there.
Find two news articles over the topic (best are from opposing points of view)
Tell me what the past, present, and future of this subject are.
How do you feel about and why?
A good paper makes the reader (me) understand the different sides of the arguments surrounding the topic.
Paper will be graded A,B,C,D, OR F.
A-Follows all directions and has a clear opinion supported by facts throughout. Shows insight required a college level paper.
B-Follows all directions and has a clear opinion but has a few errors or does not show great insight into issue.
C-Follows all directions and makes a few points but nothing noteworthy.
D-Follows all directions
Anything that fails to follow directions will receive an F.