Writing Homework Help

Capella University Avoiding Blind Spots in Leadership Discussion


Analyze of the following statement:

  • Good leaders are good leaders and they have the skills and abilities to lead well. Blind spots are not an issue for them and anyone who has blind spots just needs more leadership training.

Use at least 2 references from attached documents (sourced below)

Decker, P. J., & Mitchell, J. P. (2016). Self-handicapping leadership: The nine behaviors holding back employees, managers, and companies, and how to overcome them. Old Tappan, NJ: Pearson Education.

Chapter 5, “Tunnel Vision,” pages 123–130.
Chapter 7, “Analysis and Decision-Making,” pages 196–200.

Checkland, P. (2000). Soft systems methodology: A thirty year retrospective. Systems Research & Behavioral Science, 17, S11–S58.

Patel, N. V. (1995). Application of soft systems methodology to the real world process of teaching and learning. The International Journal of Educational Management, 9(1), 3.