Writing Homework Help

PHILOS 3 Disability Discussion


Respond to one of these prompts and be clear about which one you are referring to:

PROMPT #1: VALUE OF PRIVACY. In your opinion, what is privacy and what is the most important value of privacy?

PROMPT #2: CYBER RELATIONS. Cocking & Matthews claim that “within a purely virtual context the establishment of close friendships is simply psychologically impossible” (“Unreal Friends,” Ethics and information Technology 2 (2000): 223-231). Do you agree this this view. Using the course material for this week explain your answer.

PROMPT #3: OBFUSCATION. Is obfuscation a form of lying? Is it morally allowed. Explain your answer in detail by referring to one of the three moral theories discussed in week 4.

PROMPT #4: REPRODUCTIVE GENETIC ENGINEERING: Do you think it is a good idea to ‘upgrade’ our DNA? Should we, for instance, use gene editing to protect embryos from susceptibility to major diseases and prevent other debilitating genetic conditions from being passed on through them to future generations? Explain your answer.

PROMPT #5: DISABILITY: Susan Wendell in “Who is Disabled?” (pp. 30-33) objects to the phrase ‘people with disabilities’ (pp. 30-33). Do you agree with her objections? Explain your answer.

PROMPT #6: DEAF CULTURE: Should Deaf parents have the right to bring deaf children up as members of Deaf Culture? Should hearing parents have the right to bring deaf children up as members of Deaf Culture? Explain your answers.