TNT 700 Texas Teachers of Tomorrow Preparing for Learning Environment Projects
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Preparing for The Learning Environment Projects
This project is designed to evaluate your knowledge of the Learning Environment. There are two parts to this project. Part 1 Management Strategies and Part 2 Issues and Resources Presentation.
Part 1: Identifying the management strategies used by a teacher when conducting a lesson
- Read the entire scenario as presented (Click the NEXT button to read the scenario)
- Identify the strategies used by the instructor
- Justify your strategy identified by providing evidence from the text
- Identify the management style downloadfrom which the strategy comes
For this project Part 1, you will be scored according to the Part 1 Rubric.pdf download. Please review this rubric carefully before beginning and submitting the project.
Part 1: Analyzing a Scenario and Applying Classroom Management Theories
Read the following scenario. As you read, select management strategies downloadyou recognize from your coursework. Identify each strategy you see and make a list of the strategies along with the accompanying passage, and the management style from which the strategy comes. You may want to use the scoring rubric downloadas a guide of what should be contained in your paper. Upload your document in canvas for scoring.
Mr. Havens, a high school social studies teacher, has planned a lecture for the class period. He usually has small group work and discussion activities for the class, but today, there is information that must be given to students in the form of a lecture. He has carefully prepared his notes and explained to the students that today’s routine will be slightly different. They are beginning a study of the Federalist Papers, and a little background is necessary before embarking upon that study. The information is not available in their textbooks, so he explains that he has put together a 15- minute talk that will give them the needed background for their subsequent work.
As Mr. Havens begins to talk, most of the class is taking notes. Things are proceeding in a satisfactory manner until he notices a pair of students in the back talking to each other and laughing. Clearly, they are not talking about the course material. He decides that the first course of action will be to ignore it. He has a relatively good relationship with this class, and he is confident that the talking will stop momentarily. Continuing his lecture, he grows slightly annoyed when their sidebar conversation continues. He pauses for a moment, and several students look up from their notetaking because he has been moving along at a steady pace. The sudden silence is noticed by the entire class. When he gains the attention of the talkative two, he gives them a direct stare, implying that he wants their activity to stop. They leave off with their conversation momentarily, but as soon as he is into the lecture once again, they take up their conversation. They are at least whispering this time, but a few students in the room are looking their way and then glancing up at the teacher to see how he is going to react.
Mr. Havens has tried two strategies—ignoring the behavior and giving a warning “look,” so this time, he stops and verbally asks the pair to stop talking while he is giving the lecture. They look at each other and roll their eyes, staring back pointedly at him. He resumes his talk, but his mind is distracted now because he feels certain the problem is going to persist. Mentally, he is trying to concentrate on his lecture because the material is somewhat complex, but he is also thinking ahead to what the next step will be if the two resume their conversation. As he is trying to get back on track with the lecture, an idea occurs to him.
“All right, let me finish up with this introductory section by saying. . .” and he continues for a moment, wrapping up loose ends from the introduction. “Now, I want you to turn and talk with a partner for 2 minutes, compare your notes, and summarize the introductory part of the lecture. I will call on people to share out in 5 minutes.” He makes sure he has the eye of the talkative two in the back when he concludes with that admonition. He feels pleased with his handling of the situation. He realizes that he was headed for a confrontation as the next step, and that was not what he wanted at all. He had almost backed himself into a corner, though. By calling them out in front of the class, he had played his last card. Their “eye roll” reaction was meant for the rest of the class as much as for the teacher and themselves. It gave them some modicum of cover for saving face after being called down in front of everyone. But Mr. Havens moved to correct that by changing the pace of what was happening in the classroom, providing an opportunity for student participation in the lesson, and giving fair warning that students might be called on to share their work.
Use the following format downloadfor this project.
Part 2: Issues Facing Students and Related Resources Presentation
- Identify at least five issues that are faced by students today that impact achievement.
- Identify the developmental impact of each issue.
- Research and provide resources that are directly related to the issue and are aligned to the developmental goals for students. These are resources a parent or teacher could use to learn more about the issue and how to address the impact of the issue. These are NOT the resources used in your research.
- Using the presentation tool of your choice, create a presentation (such as powerpoint, prezi, etc) and submit for evaluation.
For this project Part 2, you will be scored according to the 700.6 Part 2 Rubric download. Please review this rubric carefully before beginning and submitting the project. You may find this sample presentation download helpful. This presentation received a perfect score and includes many elements not in the rubric. You do not have to include all the elements found in the sample (music, video) but must review the rubric carefully before submitting.