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NYU Disease Management Programs Discussion



Disease management programs (DMPs) are coordinated treatment plans that have three primary purposes to improve the quality of life for patients living with chronic disease which are:

1.     Aiding patients to be stewards in their healthcare needs.

2.     Revisions on therapeutic care administered for next generations.

3.     Both parties (patient and health care provider) are able to LEARN what treatments/medications should be implanted to maintain stability in humanity.

The latest intervention within the Sickle Cell community is mobile health (dos Santos Pereira, et. al. 2018) a practice based on the used of information technologies and communication for healthcare purposes for patients can embrace conditions for evaluating health parameters, encourage healthy eating habits, and continued support of self-management. In a medical setting, behavioral health providers are capable of conducting an assessment on their clients to determine symptoms and to notation any new progressions that have been beneficial in treatment process. The significance of chronic disease supervision amongst the co-occurrence of mental illness is to optimize health outcomes and health-related quality of life.

Individuals enduring complex issues will find it beneficial to have an effective approach to manage their healthcare needs.


dos Santos Pereira, S. A., Cecilio, S. G., Sant’Anna de Lima, K. C., Silvina Pagano, A., Reis, I. A., & Carvalho Torres, H. (2018). Mobile applications for sickle cell disease management: an integrative review. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, 31(2), 224–232. [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. What are disease management programs (DMPs)? 2007 Sep 27 [Updated 2016 Dec 30]. Available from:

Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2018 Abridged for Primary Care Providers. (2018). Clinical Diabetes: A Publication Of The American Diabetes Association, 36(1), 14-37. doi:10.2337/cd17-0119


A disease management model is a standard guideline for treating chronic illnesses , it also is preventive care. Preventive care is a way to cut cost by catching the disease early and to follow the models guidelines of the chronic illness. A good example is something that very dear to my heart is addiction. I have lost many friends and family to this illness and it has become my fight to help and educate those that suffer. A person that suffers from heroin use will have physical problems as well as mental health issues. To integrate the two, the substance use has to be controlled by means of medical intervention. If the patient continues to use they can have serious health issues like ,liver disease, lung complications and issues with their veins and nose due to constant use (National Institute of Drug Abuse 2021). By having the patient treated by a therapist and PCP, they will work together with this chronic illness and it can be monitored and be cost effective. I have seen where this action has worked. A patient comes into the clinic to be treated by a medication to help with withdrawal symptoms. The on site doctor requires that a patient has a regular PCP. The PCP will do a complete physical and check for any of the common effects from using that substance. Together they build a complete plan to treat the patient. Now if a patient has lung complications the patient will continued to be monitored (preventive care) and seen as needed and the use of medications as the guidelines suggest for that issue. With that all working together the patient is stable. The therapist will help the client with the mental health part of the illness and reporting all information to the PCP to know where that patient is physically and mentally, it is integrated and cost effective.

NIDA. 2021, June 1. Heroin DrugFacts. Retrieved from… on 2021, 


A disease management model can be described as a program that assists patients with managing long-term illnesses such as chronic pain. Because this model is a person-centered approach, it can be very easily implemented by a behavioral health care provider in a medical setting. This model focuses on chronic “illness” and other co-occurring disorders. One population that comes to mind for me is substance abuse. Substance abuse is defined as a mental health illness, meaning the patient will experience long-term effects of this. Substance abuse more often than not also includes other disorders or illnesses. Person-centered care is a very common therapeutic approach to substance abuse care as well. A behavioral health care provider working in a medical setting can use disease management to include all members of the patient’s team including doctors, psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers to ensure that the patient’s treatment plan for their disease (SUD in this case), includes all areas of focus for managing their care.


Norris, S.L., Glasgow, R.E., Engelgau, M.M. et al. Chronic Disease Management. Dis-Manage-Health-Outcomes 11, 477–488 (2003).