MTSU Herskovits at The Heart of Blackness Intellectual Colonialism Essay
For your term paper you must critically examined THREE of the videos watched throughout the course.In no less than 1500 words total (i.e., your paper should be at least between 5 and 6 pages double-spaced)†, for each of the three videos you must include the following: Video 1- Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness (youtube) Video 2- Franz Boas: The Shackles of Tradition(youtube) video 3- Poor Us: An Animated History of Poverty(youtube)
- Brief synopsis of video (no more than one paragraph).
- Illustration of anthropological concepts:
- What anthropological concepts does the video illustrate (specifically relate back to coursematerials)?
- How are issues of cultural diversity and/or globalization dealt with in the video?
- Did the video shed light on any of your own cultural practices or worldviews? If so, how? If not,what was it lacking?
- Critical Analysis:
a. What did you like about the video? Why? Provide specific examples.
b. What did you dislike about the video? Why? Provide specific examples.
To receive full credit, you must include all the above elements. Additionally, make sure you are clear about which video you are discussing and make sure you provide specific examples from both the selected media and the course material (lectures and textbook reading). This is not simply a summary of the videos. You will be expected to synthesize the topics covered in class, and you must critically examine minimally the content of the video, though discussion of style and presentation is permitted.
Five additional extra credit points will be awarded if you conclude each discussion by suggesting a different multimedia resource that covers the same topic (i.e., 15 extra credit points possible).
Your paper must be submitted to the Turnitin folder§ in the Cultural Analysis Assignment module by Sunday May 2, 2021 at 11:59 pm.
† Format requirements: 12 pt Times New Roman (or similar) font, double-spaced, first line paragraph indent, 1 in margins. Name, course number, and due date should be included at top of document, right aligned. Include page numbers and last name in top-right header. Brief, concise title centered before first paragraph.
§ A Turnitin plagiarism score of 20% or higher will result in an automatic zero. If quoting directly from a source (including your textbook), make sure to include in-text citations and a works cited to ensure you are not plagiarizing.