Ashford University HRM Models of Service Process & Systems Enhancements Review
Please revise my paper based on the feedback.
There need to be a clear thesis and SCOPE outlined in the feedback on the topic as well
Thanks for submitting assessment one. It contains some good general and abstract discussion about critical components of HR service models rooted in Ulrich’s four roles. For the capstone, we are looking for an APPLIED performance improvement project as context. So, think of the first four assessments as one discussion that becomes assessment five as a culminating product. So, I would start with a specific opportunity for improvement. For example, a specific function within HR such as TA. Or something rooted in technology, structure or engagement. Then construct a literature review that outlines what is known about that opportunity and how it applies to your project. Focus on the difference between “practice” and “project” here. LMK if you need more input from me.