Cala High School Why US Taxpayers Should Pay to Maintain National Parks Essay
For this essay, you will be formulating and defending your own argument. Instead of coming up with your own topic, you will have to write about the following topic.
- NATIONAL PARKS: you must write an argument arguing why U.S. taxpayers should pay more to fund and maintain the country’s national parks.
- You also need to make the following points to reinforce your argument.
how and why national parks are good for the economy
- How and why national parks are good for endangered animals
- How and why national parks are good for science
- How and why national parks are good for democracy (think equal access to healthy lifestyles)
Essentially, your thesis statement should address everything mentioned above
The basic requirements are as follows: one introduction, at least four body paragraphs, and one conclusion. However, you do not have to be so academic in this essay assignment. Play with language and tone, even in your intro and conclusion. You can use “I”, “you”, or “we” in this assignment. You should consider how you can infuse your essay with an argumentative tone that will make me pay attention to your argument. Nonetheless, you need to incorporate TWO rhetorical strategies in your body paragraphs. Here are the rhetorical issues that you need to consider and utilize:
- Evidence: you must use the reading material that I have provided in preparation for this essay. I have provided the links for each article.
- “A Guide to Nature Immersion: Psychological and Physiological Benefits” (Links to an external site.) by P. Y. Lim, et al.
- “Black-footed Ferret: Rebounding in the Badlands”“Mission Blue Translocation Project Pilots New Release Approach”“Sea Turtle Monitoring”
- “What are the economic benefits of a national park?” by Janet Nguyen
- “Why Science Matters for National Parks” by Ryan Valdez, Ph.D.”
You must find a variety of evidence from the outside sources listed above. For example, you can find numerical data in “What are the economic benefits of a national park?” and “Sea Turtle Monitoring.” Since Ryan Valdez has a doctorate degree and is Director for Conservation Science & Policy for National Parks Conservation Association (“Why Science Matters for National Parks”), you can consider him an expert, so you can quote from his article and present that quote as expert testimony. Please be aware: you need to present his name, educational credentials, and job title before you quote his article to indicate you are presenting expert testimony. You might find eyewitness testimony from “What are the economic benefits of a national park?” Of course, you should present the research data from “Nature Contact and Human Health: A Research Agenda.” In other words, you should quote from the conclusions of the research in the study. You can only use evidence from the sources I have provided (see list above). Thus, you should not look for and use any outside sources of your own. You should follow in-text citation rules in the paragraphs of your essay. That means you need to cite the authors’ names and the title of the article. If there is no author, then you just cite the title. I will provide a brief video on such citation. However, I will provide the “Works Cited” list, so you can just copy and paste the list on the last page of your essay. Nonetheless, you need to re-format your “Works Cited” page. Thus, your list must be evenly double-spaced, and every line after the first one must be indented by ½” for each source.
- Appeal: you should develop both logical (logos) and ethical (ethos) appeal. Please keep in mind that logical appeal (logos) is a series of statements that lead the reader (your teacher in this case) to a logical conclusion. Furthermore, you must build your logos off of the evidence that you present. When using ethical appeal (ethos), you must convince me that you promote the right ethics. Therefore, your argument becomes the ethical argument. Again, you must build your ethos off of the evidence that you present.
- To reiterate, the purpose of this assignment is to combine the rhetorical tools (evidence: eyewitness testimony, expert testimony, numerical data or research data + appeal: logos or ethos) to create a cohesive argument
- logos and ethos must be used in every body paragraph
- these 4 types of evidence, eye witness testimony expert testimony (name expert and credentials and where they work)
numerical data,
research data (peer-reviewed only) all must be present in the body paragraphs - Body paragraphs should be presented in this format: body paragraphs should
- make a claim
- present evidence
- build your appeal off of the evidence, logos or ethos only