Writing Homework Help

Excelsior College Al Qaeda What Kind of Terrorists are They Discussion


Respond to the following:

It is clear that historical circumstances and social context have had a powerful impact on the ways in which the term terrorism has been used. Often, it is used pejoratively as a political label. Yet, we know that many of terrorism’s actual practitioners have never shied away from its use. They have tended to be unapologetic about terrorism and justify it as being necessary.

  • Expanding upon your M1D1 discussion, explore the characteristics of terrorism that lend themselves toward pejorative connotations.  Then define terrorism objectively, as a kind of ‘war-fighting strategy,’ enabling materially- or numerically-weaker forces to confront civil societies, and powerful nations and armies, through the use of ‘force-multipliers’ and the strategies and tactics of ‘asymmetric warfare’. Finally, discuss the traits that you would look for if you were building a terrorism database.  What kinds of events would you include in the database? Which ones would you exclude?