University of Arizona Educated and Educating as A Black Woman Article Critique
You are to research an article on culture or diversity in education. You may download your articles of your choice from the library’s database. Bring to class on the date of the oral presentation a 3X5 card with the following information:
Oral Article 1: On the library database search for an article on: Culture/Diversity
Topics may include:
Cultural competence in education
Gender and education
Poverty and education
- Multicultural education
- Bilingual education
- To be included on your 3×5 card:
- Article Citation:
- Cite article citation in APA format.
Example (journal article)
Hypericum Depression Trial Study Group. (2002). Effect of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s Wort) in major depressive disorder: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 287, 1807-1814.
Example (electronic journal)
Kortepeter, M. G., & Parker, G. W. (1999). Potential biological weapons threats. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5(4). Retrieved January 20, 2016, from ncidod/EID/vol5no4/kortepeter.htm