SJSU What Will Happen if More of Greenland and The Arctic Melt Discussion Questions
Here is the link to
Before the Flood (Links to an external site.)
This was produced by National Geographic in 2016 with Leonardo DiCaprio examining the impact of climate change on ecosystems around the world. It raises many questions and provides some practical solution about what we can do to reduce carbon emissions and support environmental causes.
1) What will happen if more of Greenland and the Arctic melt?
2) Why are coral reefs disappearing and why is that a problem?
3) What’s wrong with palm oil?
4) Why are cows environmentally hazardous?
5) What is the difference between CO2 and methane gas?
6) What is a Carbon Tax?
7) What is the 6th Mass Extinction?
8) After watching the documentary, what did you learn you could do personally to make a difference?