Health Medical Homework Help

NURS 400 Southwest Minnesota State Prevention and Population Health Worksheet


  • Aggregate Paper: The aggregate paper is a learning team paper. Students describe the concepts of community, population, and aggregate. Then, describe a specific aggregate using at least three sources of data about the aggregate from the Resource Folder in the Courseroom under the content tab and Mustang Library NU400 Data Guide: assignment is an individual or group/team assignment (student choice). You may work individually or with others on this assignment. Report all the team names on the paper template if working in a team. All team members must submit the paper to the assignment dropbox for grade credit.

    See the template folder under content for the Aggregate Paper Template. Aggregate Paper Due September 19 at 12:01 AM

  • Prevention Paper – Due

    12:03 AM Prevention Paper: The Prevention paper is a paper that prompts the distinction between the levels of prevention. The paper includes the definitions of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Two examples for each type of prevention specific to the aggregate described in the aggregate paper are included. See the template folder for the Prevention Paper Template. The assignment is an individual or group/team assignment (student choice). You may work individually or with others on this assignment. Report all the team names on the paper template if working in a team. All team members must submit the paper to the assignment dropbox for grade credit.

  • Minnesota Department of Health. (2019). Public health interventions (Population-Based). This is a fabulous three page handout that includes the public health wheel and examples of the levels –individual/family/community/system, as well as definitions and descriptions. This is a helpful resource when completing the aggregate and prevention worksheets.