Health Medical Homework Help

FUE Mental Illness and Violence Worksheet


Please complete this assignment in Canvas, and submit your responses by the deadline. Here’s a word doc version you may work from: Evidence Worksheet 5.docx

Module 6: Mental and Physical Health Pillar –Abnormal/Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Therapies

Assignment: Evaluating the Evidence Worksheet 5 (10 points)

Claim 9: People with mental illness are more prone to violence than people without mental illness.


Claim 10: To be effective, mental health therapy must examine root causes from childhood.

Choose ONE of the Claims above to evaluate. Which type of claim is it: Frequency, Association, or Causal? EXPLAIN your answer based on what the type means. (1 pt)

From the References listed at the bottom of the Module 6 Required Readings (Noba chapters), find a peer-reviewed scientific journal article related to the claim you have chosen. Use the library to find the article by searching in the entire database, you can begin your search in the whole library where it says “Start here”:… (Links to an external site.), or use the PsycArticles + PsycInfo database (log into > Library > scroll down to Databases by Subject > Psychology > select PsycArticles + PsychInfo) to find the article. Provide the reference in APA format (copy/paste from the Reading). (2 pts)

WHAT did the evidence say? Briefly describe the author’s methods and conclusions, in your own words. If you do not have access to the full article, briefly describe the information from the Abstract for the article, in your own words. (2 pts)

What TYPE of evidence was it? List only the type(s) of method(s) the researcher used. (2 pts)

Case study


Correlational study

Quasi-experimental study

Longitudinal study

Controlled Experimental study

Systematic review or meta-analysis of many studies

Evaluate whether the types of methods used in the study (descriptive, correlational, or experimental) appropriately matched the type sof claim or hypothesis the researcher was studying (frequency, association, or causal). (1 pt)

RATE the strength of the evidence on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the strongest), and EXPLAIN why you gave that rating, considering the methods of the study and issues like sample size, the diversity of the sample, and the way the variables were measured and/or manipulated. (1 pts)

What science-based CONCLUSIONS do you come to now regarding the claim you chose? What topics do you think future research in this area should study? (1 pts)