Create a Program Code Computer Coding Task
You can check the screenshots attached to see the assignment in details.
Also, here is the explanation for the assignment:
Write an assembly program to set R0=1 if there’s a 5 in one of ten memory locations, starting at x3100. At the beginning of the program, set R0 = 0. If no 5 is found, it should leave R0 set to 0. Please submit your assembly program below. I will run it with my data.
Extra credit – 20 points: If a 5 is found, output the following message to the console. “A 5 was found at x31xx.” 31xx is the hex address of the 5.
Here is the test data I used to generate the screen print below. It is not the test data I will use to grade your project.
.ORIG x3100
.FILL #10
.FILL #20
.FILL #30
.FILL #40
.FILL #50
.FILL #5
.FILL #70
.FILL #5
.FILL #90
.FILL #100