Howard University Active Learning as A Method of Teaching Children Paper
- Prepare a written analysis of a teaching method that is appropriate for the content and audience of peers (pre-service educators) you are focusing on. Choose a written genre that allows you to inform your readers about the method and then analyze the limitations and benefits of using the method. See articles in NCTE publications (Links to an external site.) or in Edutopia (Links to an external site.) for possible examples. This analysis should be between 1200-1500 words. It should include this information, at a minimum:
- Background on the method (How has it evolved over time?)
- It is used specifically in one subject area or with a specific group of learners? Why?
- Who uses it most?
- Why is it used?
- How is it used?
- What does it offer students and teachers that other methods don’t?
- What constraints or shortcomings does it have?
Continue with the topic you address in your annotated bibliography but focus on how the ideas in your research can be applied for the specific audience you are writing for. It should be clear that you are informed by current research and best practices in teaching for each of the lesson/unit plans. Since you are shifting toward the application of the concepts you researched, be sure you choose content for your lesson that fits the method.
Analysis of a Teaching Method:
SLO 1: Critical thinking & reading
Writing shows sufficient knowledge from research to give importance to this method
SLO 2: Information literacy
Sources are meaningful to the readers and are integrated and cited wherever necessary
SLO 3: Rhetorical awareness
The writing shows sensitivity to the readers’ needs, knowledge, and interests
The claims made about the method are supported with appropriate examples
SLO 4: Education Genre Conventions
Genre conventions fit expectations in important areas such as citing of sources, formatting, organization, tone, and formality
SLO 5: Metacognition
The memo reflects on the writer’s process, successes, and struggles with the project.
There’s enough detail to feel guided through the project and to understand the self-assessment.
I already have the necessary articles and more can be added but i Will provide the bibliography for you to find the information.