Computer Science Homework Help

CS 470 Abram Friedman Occupational Center Databases Question



In this assignment, you will prepare your development environment for moving a full stack MEAN application into containers. You will gain exposure to using Docker in this lesson. In previous courses, you installed MongoDB on your own computer and developed applications to use it. Before your application can run on another computer, the correct version of MongoDB must be installed there. Installing software also means that your computer’s configuration and settings are altered, which may impact other software you have installed. Additionally, there is a risk that the other computer or its installation of MongoDB are not configured identically to your machine.

To overcome this common settings inconsistency, you should run MongoDB inside a container. Moving the container to a new computer brings all the configuration and settings along as well. Looking ahead to Module Two, you will practice using the pre-built Docker container with MongoDB already installed and configured.


This assignment prepares you for the containerization process that will be performed in Module Two. You will download the essential software and test it by following the CS 470 Module One Assignment Guide.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Display the working Docker dashboard; it will display the files.
  • Test Docker to ensure the container is running the MongoDB image.

Guidelines for Submission

Take the following unique screenshots.

  • Screenshot of the Docker dashboard to show that the application is running
  • Screenshot showing that the Docker run command is functioning
  • Submit your three screenshots to here to show that you have Docker dashboard running and that the Docker run command is functioning properly.