Writing Homework Help

Bethel College Alice Walker Everyday Use Discussion


I’m working on a english discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.


Knowing about the author can help you better understand the story as you read and analyze it. I want you to answer the following questions in essay format to start you off with a background before you read the story.

1. Summarize the facts of the author’s birth, family and social position, main gifts or handicaps, education, and entry into writing.

2. Describe briefly, with dates, the more important of the author’s earlier works, giving special attention to the work immediately preceding the story under study.

3. What specific circumstances led the author to write this story? To what extent did she/he depart from the sort of fiction she/he had written up to this point? What persons, events, or other autobiographical materials does this story reflect, and with what modifications? What account of her/his inspirations and problems with this story did the author provide through letters, prefaces, journals, and the like?

4. By focusing upon sample details of this story, show how this biographical information (questions 1 and 3) helps to explain the design of the work.

5. What main features of social tension or stability in his/her own times did the author treat in this story? (e. g, ideology, war, economics, technology, daily life, etc.)? Explain, using both this story and such outside sources as personal statements by the author, histories of the period, etc.

6. By focusing upon sample details of the story, show how this historical information (question 5) helps to explain the design of the story.

7. What authors, literary circles, or movements did the present author support, attack, imitate, join, or depart from? Why?