INFO 331 APUS Open Source Software and Cloud Computing Essay
In need of a 250-word initial post. INFO331 Topic: Open Source Software and Cloud Computing
W5: Open Source Software and Cloud Computing
1) Describe some reasons why Linux is installed on only a very small fraction of desktop computers. Are there particular categories of products or users who might see Linux as more appealing than conventional operating systems? Do you think Linux’s share of the desktop market will increase? Why or why not?
2) What are some of the benefits of cloud computing? What are some of the drawbacks? Find an article about cloud computing online. Summarize and critique the article in your own words. Be sure to include the url of the article.
3) Describe the hardware and software requirements of your chosen information system. Be sure to consider both the server-side and client-side hardware and software. If you do not have access to specific details about the server-side hardware and software, make reasonable assumptions based on the kind of hardware and software that you believe would be necessary to run your system.
My chosen information system is the Marine Corps Training Information Management System (MCTIMS).
Ch. 9 – Understanding Software: A Primer for Managers
Ch. 10 – Software in Flux: Partly Cloudy and Sometimes Free
Book Title: Information Systems Version 1.3 – E-book links provided inside the classroom.
Author: Gallaugher
Publication Info: FlatWorld Knowledge
Book Title: Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information systems: A manager’s guide to harnessing technology (ver. 1.3). Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge.
Discussion Guidelines:
Your initial post in each discussion, answering the week’s discussion questions, is due by 11:55 PM ET on Wednesday each week.
Initial responses should be no less than 250 words of your own writing (not including your reference list.
Do not include my questions or discussion prompts in your post. You may number your answers, but your post should contain only your own original writing (the 250-word minimum is based only on your words in the post.).
Write in complete sentences and full paragraphs and avoid using lists of any kind in your posts.
Your initial post must be original in content and demonstrate a thorough analysis of the topic.
Include your own personal experience related to the topic being discussed. If you do not have experience working with information systems, describe your experience with various information systems, including web-based systems, you use in your personal life.
You should also conduct research on the topic of discussion using outside sources, in addition to your textbook, each week. You are encouraged to use the APUS Online Library to find scholarly articles related to the topics of discussion. You may also use the Internet to search for information, but make sure you only use scholarly and authoritative sources (not Wikipedia or other similar sites.
Write in your own words and avoid copying and pasting from other websites).
If you do quote from a source, keep quotations to a minimum – I would rather see you express your own understanding of what you learned from your sources, in your own words.