University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Fan Engagement Article Writing
Your article should accomplish the following:
• Introduce and address a key area within sports which ties to your marketing theme shown above.
• Articulate not only a summary of the issue, but expand with other relevant research, key insights, and strategic recommendations.
• As with most projects in marketing, start out by thinking about your reading audience. What area does this fall within? If industry members are reading this article, what do you want them
to get out of it?
• Include links to at least three (3) other articles within SBJ that would be relevant or helpful to your reader. These links and article titles should be placed in the section “More To Explore”
as noted in your template.
• The template provides suggested length, but if you need to remove or add pages that is up to you; however, please ensure your content adequately tells your story (e.g., it should be longer
than at least one page).
• For ease of developing your article, I suggest writing your text out in word and then copying and pasting it into the template when complete.
• Make sure to find relevant images for your article. Those included in the template are just placeholders.